Who Is Steve?

Meet Steve Wilson, who possesses the pen that powers Mountainside Reflections.

If you already know me, then you could write this better than I will portray myself. The viewpoint of others is often spot-on and usually more accurate than our sometimes inflated self-perceptions.

However…since you can’t edit my site, allow me the floor.

I’m a fourth-generation native of Lakeland, Florida. Both my great-grandfather and grandfather were City Commissioners and both served as Mayor of Lakeland. Yep, my roots plunge deeply into the sandy Florida soil.

I first met my future wife the summer after ninth grade, at an awkward dinner with her family while on vacation. Our Dads were golfing buddies and had played that day while our families were in neighboring mountain vacation towns.  Susie and I reconnected during Spring Semester of our Sophomore year at Lakeland High School, and still haven’t disconnected…now some 46 years later, the last 40 with rings on our fingers.

We both were graduated from The University of Tennessee in Knoxville, which was an hour away from my family’s vacation home in Gatlinburg. From the time Susie met me, she knew I’d end up at UT. I had become a fan of the Vols and of the East Tennessee mountains, as a little kid.

We have three children, who also were graduated from UT. Yes, that’s a lot of out-of-state tuition! But they had learned Rocky Top before nursery rhymes and even before “Jesus Loves Me.” Our oldest, his wife, and our three elementary-aged grandsons live in Knoxville, while our other son and our daughter both live in Nashville.

And two years ago, we joined them as Tennessee residents. After 60 years as Floridians, we headed to the mountains – for good. Twelve years ago we had purchased my parents’ vacation home – the very one where I first met Susie in ninth grade – and had renovated and expanded it over the years. 

We are delighted to call this place we love, our permanent home. Now as I write in our home office, Mount LeConte, the highest peak in Tennessee, peers over my shoulder. Hence, Mountainside Reflections!

As you read my writing, it’ll be helpful to understand what makes me tick…how I’m wired.

Let’s start with Myers-Briggs.

I’m an ENFJ, which M-B describes…as an Extravert, you are warm, empathetic, responsive, and responsible; you are sociable, and provide inspiring leadership. You’re iNtuitive, interested in new things and what might be possible, thinking more about the future than the past. You employ Feelings-based thinking, looking for what is important to others, finding potential in everyone and wanting to help others fulfill their potential. You are Judging (not judgmental), demonstrating a planned and organized approach to decision making.

For another perspective, I’m an Enneagram 7. If you’re not into the Enneagram, you should be! I’ll just consider that you’re just not into it yet.

The Type Seven is described as the Enthusiast – extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. They are high-spirited and always seeking new and exciting experiences, but they can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They want to avoid missing out on worthwhile experiences, and to keep themselves excited and occupied.


Although I’ve enjoyed writing since my school days, I began honing this craft by majoring in Communications at college. Although I have a degree in Broadcasting, I had tough Journalism professors who formed the basis for how I still communicate today. I continue to be grateful, even these few years later, for their stringency.

Writing was always a central feature of my career path – from television reporter to newspaper, to healthcare publicity, to hospital fundraising, to manufacturing industry marketing, to school Advancement, and on into consulting.

I’ve written scripts, news articles, features, annual reports, obits, blogs, ad copy, speeches, proposals, and have ghost written more letters than I can remember. Even you may have received one of my letters through the years, signed by (name withheld!).

As J.K. Rowling says, “Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic.”

How about some random trivia —

  • I’m an avid sports fan, and enjoy playing golf. My favorite playing partners are my two grown sons, who learned the game as early as they could swing a club. My youngest son and I stood in line at 4:15 a.m. for the opportunity to play the Old Course at St. Andrews, Scotland. After walking across the famed Swilcan Bridge, I birdied #18. Yet, I struggled to get out of the equally famous Hell Bunker. The caddy finally threw the ball out, just like a good caddy should!
  • My most frequent playing partner is my friend and next door neighbor, Brad. We try to play at least twice a week at the beautiful Gatlinburg Golf Course, where we are members. When the golf is bad, we always have the mountain views…every hole!
  • Brad is also my mentor for another favorite hobby – photography. He’s one of the best around and has taught me the finer points of outstanding landscape photography for each of the four seasons in the Smokies. I’ve learned to navigate river boulders for the perfect angle.
  • I love tending to my landscape, which features many native species – without a palm tree in sight! I’m now completing my internship to become a certified Master Gardener. One of my all-time favorite Christmas gifts was a backpack sprayer for our yard. Obviously, I’m not hard to please…
  • Speaking of things that grow, I serve on the Tree Board for the City of Gatlinburg. I love branching out into new endeavors…(sorry)
  • While in college, I worked in the UT Sports Information Department and was the official scorer for the Tennessee baseball team.
  • Susie and I love(d) the movies. One of the greatest personal losses of the pandemic for us. Can’t wait for my next bag of buttered popcorn.
  • I’m a fan and user of all things Apple.
  • While working as a reporter for the CBS television affiliate in Knoxville, I interviewed Dolly Parton on the day a major highway was named in her honor. To this day, we travel Dolly Parton Parkway every week!
  • We joined the Doodle craze about a year ago by getting our first dog, an Australian Labradoodle named Pepper. Okay, we briefly had another dog years ago, but it was a disaster. So we have blocked that experience and consider Pepper our first. And he’s perfect.
  • I’m always up for a new Netflix series, especially if Aaron Sorkin had anything to do with it.
  • Biking and hiking in the Smokies is a passion. Can’t believe a National Park is right across the street from my neighborhood. Literally.
  • Which means…we have visiting bears, deer, turkey, fox, coyote, and assorted other wildlife. But the bears win the prize, and visit often. My morning ritual is to check our security camera feed. This technology is way more about the bears than the security.
  • We love Canada. The beauty, the people, the poutine, the free healthcare (that we don’t have). We’ve been to the eastern maritime provinces, to the Banff/Lake Louise area, and to Vancouver. And we can’t wait to go back. One of our favorite trips was our 40th Anniversary celebration in Quebec City, which was blanketed in snow and Christmas lights to ring in the 2020 New Year. Magical is an understatement.
  • I am, largely, kept in line by my Enneagram Eight daughter. Oh, and daily by Susie. But my daughter…she speaks the truth in love, recommends my fashion, and keeps me out of a lot of trouble. And since she’s a writer, we get to bounce words and phrases off each other regularly.
  • Susie and I take the pandemic seriously. By that, I mean we wear masks in public, only eat outside, at a very few restaurants, still get home delivery of groceries, gave up our UT football and basketball tickets for this year, and only visit with a few regular friends and always outside.