What’s The Point?

“Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.”

Isaac Asimov

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Haven’t you said enough?

Used enough words?

With all the writing that you’ve done through the years, don’t you just want to take a break?

Do you have ulterior motives?

And what makes you think anyone wants to read this stuff?

All fair questions!

And ones a spouse would typically ask. But Susie didn’t. These are all my own.

So, let me try to give some good answers –

I really enjoy writing, and it’s been a huge part of my various careers, but – lately – I  haven’t had as much regular opportunity within my consulting practice. I’m hopeful this will provide a helpful outlet for my creative expression.

So, what’s in it for you? Why should you care? Glad you asked –

I hope you’ll be able to relate, to resonate, with at least a portion of everything I write. At best, maybe you’ll think, “yep, that’s me.” Hopefully you’ll be encouraged that someone else is walking your path.

Yes, I hope you can find yourself somewhere in my story. But, if not, I hope you are still entertained or – better yet – inspired in some way. Speaking of inspiration, I hope what you read will cause you to think about your own life.

Mostly, I hope it will make you…curious. One of my favorite states of being! A few years ago, I was convinced of my contentment, with most facets of my life. Now, contentment is certainly a desired state, but a silent partner of contentment is “being stuck,” or settling. My life script was about 75% written, and I was considering options for a predictable conclusion.

And then I learned about moving into a “second half of life” perspective, rather than remaining stuck in a first half of life mentality. I didn’t even know I was probably stuck.

So, curiosity knocked on my door — harder than ever before — and has become my new companion. I sincerely hope you’ll make it a friend as well. It’s really okay to think outside the box. Honest!

While I’m sure you will read about the familiar, and resonate with my experience, I also hope to take you to some new places. And I’m not referring to geography. Place can be emotional. Spiritual. Cultural. Intellectual. As you journey with me, I trust your thoughts will be provoked.

What will the topics be? Who knows! We’ll both find out as new writings are posted. Inspiration for my writing seems to arise at the most inopportune times, and definitely not when I sit in front of a blank screen with that dreaded of all words for a writer – a deadline.

As with most of us, thoughts will come in the middle of the night, while mowing, while cleaning the daily dose of fall leaves from our pool, or when biking or on a hike in the National Park. My joy will then be sharing those ideas with you, once I return to wifi.

Oh, and that deadline thing – I will have no timetable for posts. There may be a flurry and then there may be none for awhile. And it’s best for you, friend, to only have something to read when I have something to say, and not just because a post is “due.”

My genre? I don’t think I have one. Maybe you can tell me, over the course of time! My intention is for my writing to be – at times — poignant, humorous, revealing, informative, challenging, and hopeful.

But here’s what I do know – for the first time in my life I have the opportunity to share thoughts without the filtering constraints of an employer – and especially while trying to raise money. Necessarily so, every expressed thought was captive to the brand. A major gift seemed always on the line.

This newfound “freedom” doesn’t mean I’ll suddenly be profane, blasphemous, tell secrets, lose all filters, or have an “I don’t give a darn!” approach. Well, not totally.

But I am excited to share my heart.

Welcome along for the ride!

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